No-Churn Fresh Mango Frozen Yoghurt

There is only one kind of fever I can voluntarily succumb to this summer – mango fever. Thankfully it doesn’t come with loss of smell, but it does lead to delirium. The first sign is severe lack of focus on anything other than a new crate of alphonsos, dutifully isolating in the quarantine zone of the house. Other symptoms include yellow fingertips, excessive drooling and disagreements over who gets to suck on the gootli (the seed).

Those of you who aren’t Indian or don’t understand why the fuss about different types of mangoes, here’s the 101. Mangoes are like football. It creates obsession, people eagerly await the season and swear allegiances to their favourite teams (mango varieties in this case) If you love the langda, you can’t have a conversation with anyone from the kesari camp. Friendships have broken over which mango is sweeter, feelings get hurt over which part of the country has better fruit. You can never say #allmangoesmatter.

This summer has been one of the best mango seasons I’ve witnessed in years. The trees lining our Delhi home have been generously sharing fruit of all sizes and sweet levels. We’ve spent this quarantine making raw mango pickles, sour mango curries and mango-coladas, tbh I can’t get enough.

Get ready for a special series of mango based bakes, savouries and drinks on globetrottingcupcake across this season, starting with this no-churn mango fro-yo.

This frozen treat is the mangoest of all desserts with pulp and fresh mango chunks. I used ripe Alphonso mangoes which are sweet and juicy though you could use any other pulpy variety. The beauty of this recipe is that it comes together very easily and doesn’t require special equipment. Not to mention it is super healthy and refined sugar free. Don’t forget to throw in a handful of fresh mint for an added bite.

No-Churn Mango Frozen Yoghurt


Greek Yoghurt / Hung Yoghurt – 2 cups

Mangoes – 2 medium sized

Honey – 4 tbsp

Lime juice – 1 tsp

Zest of 1 lime

Fresh Mint – A handful, roughly torn


  1. Peel, dice and chop the mangoes directly into a food processor to catch all the juices. Retain one mango cheek to add in later. Squeeze out the seeds with your fingers, this is the best part of the mango. Blend into a fine pulp.
  2. Add the yoghurt, honey and lime juice and blend until creamy for about 2-3 minutes. Use a spatula to scrape down the sides. Taste the mixture and add more mango pulp if you feel it’s less fruity. Check for sweetness and adjust similarly.
  3. You can either tip this mixture into a bowl for the next step but I hate doing too many dishes, so I do this in the processor after removing the blade. Add in the remaining mango chunks, lime zest & mint and stir until well incorporated.
  4. Tip this mix into a prechilled bread mould/container. Cover with plastic film and chill in the freezer for about 2 hours.
  5. Remove from the freezer and blitz the mixture once more for a smooth consistency. This will make sure the fro-yo doesn’t form crystals.
  6. Transfer into an airtight container or you could freeze them into individual moulds like I did. Freeze overnight and enjoy the next day.
  7. You can serve this frozen yoghurt with a few fresh slices of mango or with a white chocolate sauce.

One thought on “No-Churn Fresh Mango Frozen Yoghurt

  1. Enjoyed reading the article! I belong to the Dusheri mango camp. Still waiting for the best ones to make their appearance!
    Let’s plan a cook together then!

    Liked by 1 person

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